Types of UK Visas

Personalised Outstanding Service, Competent and Dedication 

Types of UK Visas and UK Immigration

Different types of UK visas and various routes to settle in the UK are available. Depending on your circumstances, we can advise you of the suitable type of UK visa and the route to follow. It is therefore important to explain your situation and your status to be able to provide our service. Each type of visa has its own requirements and conditions and it is important to be aware of  the requirements before submitting your application to the Home Office. The fee of the Home Office visa application in most cases is not refundable.  Here is below a list of the various types of UK visas and immigration matters:

Family Related
Business, work & Study
(out of our scope)

So many types of UK visas. Which one?

There are various types of visas as you see from the list. Don’t worry, just clearly explain your case to our lawyer to be able to identify the appropriate route for your circumstances. In some cases you may have two or more routes, we will advise which best option is suitable for your circumstances.  It is our job to let you know which types UK visas you can apply for and if you have enough evidence and document to apply. 

types of UK visas
What you are expecting:
Free Meeting (15 minutes)

If you agree to take our service after the 15 minutes free meeting, we will arrange another meeting to have more detailed information and inform you of the requirements of the proposed route or type of UK visa out of all these types of UK visas.  The following steps will then be provided:

  • Arrange a follow-up meeting to get detailed information and inform you with the necessary support document
  • Give you access to a share point to check all the information and upload the recommended supporting documents.
  • Send client care letter and inform you of the list of supporting documents to be prepared for uploading.
  • Set other meetings  (in the office or online) depending on your case to discuss all the actions with you
  • Send you our policy and complaint procedures which are approved by OISC in the information pack
  • Review your document and complete the application and inform you if any information or documents are needed
  • Prepare and send a Letter of Representation. The letter will be submitted with your application
  • Submit your application within 1-3 days after receiving all the necessary documents and we are satisfied with the evidence. 
  • Inform you in case we are not satisfied with your evidence and supported documents before the submission.
  • Send a detailed case closing letter and any original documents once your case is completed. 
  • We are aiming to have your full satisfaction and to achieve that we will need your feedback (just 2-3 minute).